Upcoming Gigs
The Cadillac Cowboys are returning to Ann Arbor after their successful Washtenaw County Tour to The Happy Hour at Live!, 6:30 - 9:00 p.m., on August 16, 2024. Come on down, drink some, dance some, have a good time with friends.
Come see the Cowboys at Dexter Summeer Concert Series 6:30 - 9:00 p.m., on July 5. It's at the very lovely park with the Gazebo in downtown Dexter. It will be a wonderful night.
Come see the Cowboys at The Ark ! 7:30 p.m., on June 2. Celebrating 50 years of the Cadillac Cowboys in Ann Arbor!.
Come see the Cowboys at Ann Arbor Happy Hour at Live! 6:30 -9:00 p.m., on December 29. Bring your dancing shoes!.
Come see the Cowboys at Sounds and Sights! 6:30 -8:30 p.m., on July 21, 2022. Come on down and kick up your heels!.
Come see the Cowboys at @Live! 6:30 -9:00 p.m., on April 1, 2022. We'll be delighted to see you again.
Come see the Cowboys at Chelsea Festival Sounds and Sights 6:30 - 8:00 p.m., on July 8, 2021 at the South Street stage.
Come see the Cowboys at Live! 6:30 - 9:00 p.m., on January 10, 2020.

Join us at Chelsea Sounds and Sights 6:30 - 8:30 p.m., on June 20, 2019. >
Join us for the 32nd Annual Last Performance Ever and Picnic at Jay and Barbara's 3:00 - 8:00 p.m., on June 29, 2019.
Come see the Cowboys at Live! 6:30 - 9:00 p.m., on March 15, 2019.
 The Cowboys had a good time at The 2018 Ann Arbor Art Fair at the Main Stage on Church Street on July 19, 2018.
If you would like to be added to the official Cadillac Cowboys E-mail list (to receive announcements of concerts), click sign up for the list..
Recent performances
Well, it rained all day on June 27th so The Last Performance Ever was moved to June 28 and it was a terrific afternoon of good music, fun and friends. Couldn't have been better. The 28th Annual Last Performance Ever! on June 27, 2015, starting at 2:00 p.m. at Jay's house again.Expect lots of Cowboys from near and far to be there. We hope you will be there, too.
Mark your calendar and come listen and dance to the Cowboys as they roundup the good tunes at The Ann Arbor Happy Hour at Live! May 8, 2015.
The Cadillac Cowboys rocked the holiday crowd at the Ann Arbor Happy Hour at Live! in Ann Arbor, Michigan, on December 19, 2014, January 23, 2015, and, again on May 8, 2015..
The Cadillac Cowboys played at The Chelsea Alehouse in Chelsea, Michigan, on October 10, 8:00 - 10:00 p.m.
Arbor Art Fair Alert! On Wednesday, July 16, 8:00- 9:30 p.m., The
Cadillac Cowboys will be pickin', grinnin' and singin'at the Church Street Stage near Pizza House.
It was a special show in Chelsea on Friday, June 27, 2014. and a very good time at The Alehouse with the Cadillac Cowboys the East Coast Cowboys Alan Pagliere and Kevin Lynch and Amanda Bailey from Colorado.
The 27th Annual Last Performance Ever iwas held at Jay's Place on Saturday, June 28, 2014. Alan Pagliere came from New York and Kevin Lynch icame in in from Boston.Amanda Bailey joined us from Colorado. Judy and Jay played a nice set, too.
Photo by Barbara Schmid. Hot but happy folks at the end of the 27th Annual LPE on June 28, 2014.
From left: Alan Pagliere, Hugh Huntley, Kevin Brown, Kevin Lynch, Liz
Stern, Michael Smith, Amanda Bailey, Gary Munce, Peter Falkenstein and
LD Heiber
The Cadillac Cowboys have been an Ann Arbor tradition for over 30 years.
Personnel: Michael Smith, guitar and vocals; Gary Munce, bass and vocals; Peter Falkenstein, piano and vocals; Hugh Huntley, drums; Liz Stern, vocals; Kevin Brown, guitar and vocals.
Watch a YouTube video by friend Jim Barnard whose soundtrack is Ride in the Country from the 1976 LP. Thanks, JB!
Files of the tunes from the 1976 LP of Mike Smith and the Country Volunteers is now available here!
Check out all the great gigs the Cowboys have played recently.
Letters from the other side of the world! The East Meets Western Swing Letters; e-mail correspondence between Kevin in Saipan and Alan. Kevin is now on the mainland again.
Buy the Cowboys CD online!!
It's the first recording since the famous (and now nearly unplayable)
1976 LP. The CD's cover is pictured here. Get your copy at a gig or you can buy it now online at CDBaby: http://www.cdbaby.com/cadillaccowboys.
Click here to find out more about the CD and hear some samples right here on this web site. !!! All tunes from the CD are available in mp3 format !!!
you one of the 1/2 of 1% of the people who wonder, when they look at
the CD cover photo, "Why is Alan the only one not looking at the
camera?" If you are, first, don't be so anal. Second, click here for an explanatory note.